There was a time when the only housing option that you had when you went to college was living in a dorm if you weren't able to live at home. Now, there are apartments and single-family homes available so that you're comfortable while you're in school. Here are a few...
Ruby Powell
3 Things to Look For When Touring Off-Campus Apartments in West Lafayette
Rather than staying in the dorms next semester, consider looking at the available Purdue apartments in West Lafayette, IN. This is an opportunity to establish a good rental history and experience independent living as you pursue your degree. As you begin your...
Know Your Budget When Looking for Student Housing in Tuscaloosa
If you are looking for apartments in Tuscaloosa close to campus, you are going to have several wonderful options available for you. Something you are going to notice right off the bat as you start looking for apartments is that there is a variety of price ranges. As...
3 Tips for Students When Searching for UNCW Student Apartments
There are so many things to consider and when you're looking for something that's going to suit your needs, it can get you feeling overwhelmed in a hurry. This blog post will help with these helpful tips that will make the process easier on you and prepare you for...
3 Major Benefits of Off-Campus Student Housing in Sacramento
College is a time of life that can be both exciting and stressful. However, it's important to make sure you're doing everything in your power to take care of yourself while you’re away from home. While living on campus may seem like the best option for socializing,...